Category Archives: Affirmations

You Can Be Both Smart AND Beautiful – You Can Actually Be ANYTHING

Sometimes you hear people say that people can either be intelligent or attractive but why can’t people CHOOSE to be both? I emphasize the word “choose” because it is up to us as individuals to determine what our best qualities are. Even if other people might not perceive you to be a certain way, what ultimately matters most is how you perceive yourself. For example, you might not be someone’s type look wise but does that mean that you are not attractive? Absolutely NOT! Of course you are! The key is to train your mindset to truly believe that you are! πŸ˜‰ Remember that your thoughts do become things so if you believe that you are a certain way, then you will possess these qualities because your mind determined that they are indeed factual. This goes for intelligence and pretty much any desirable quality that is out there. Just because someone doesn’t classify you a certain way, that should not be an indicator of your authentic being.

When prevents people from being the best version of themselves is a weak mindset paired with a lack of confidence. If you recognize that you do not think very highly of yourself, the good news is that there are ways to change that and like most things in life, it is never too late to start! The best way to change your outlook is to create positive affirmations for yourself. These can be written down on index cards and read aloud as a reminder. This might sound like a silly thing to do but that is how manifestation works is by repetition and a strong focus on a desired outcome. It is amazing that when you are consistent and persistent, the internal work that you put into your self development actually transforms into a reality. Ultimately you can be ANYTHING that you want to be as long as you are in control of your mind and you are always striving to be the best that you can be! πŸ™‚

It Does Not Matter Where You Started – You Determine the Direction of Your Path

Oftentimes when you turn on a news station, the focus tends to be on bad news and all the negative events that are shaping the modern world that we live in today. I recognize that it can sometimes be hard to hear good news when most media outlets only highlight the bad things. Over the weekend, I was listening to a headline that caught my attention and left a lasting impression which propelled me to want to share the news in my blog this week. It was about a graduating high school senior from Paterson, New Jersey who got accepted into Harvard University. While on the surface, you might be thinking, “What’s the big deal?” For starters, this specific area in New Jersey is not the most affluent of areas and the student was raised by a single parent. While most would look at where they started and declare that they did not have the same opportunities as someone who was in a much better starting position, she did not use her childhood or socioeconomic status as setbacks but instead, realized that with hard work and dedication to her goals, she can turn her dream into a reality! This leads me to the title of this blog, one of many important facts of life–It does NOT matter where you started because YOU determine the direction of your path!

The news station I was watching interviewed Isabela Gonzalez and it was truly a beautiful story that touched my heart. She was talking about how when she was a young child, she heard of Harvard University and she was told that prestigious people such as presidents went to Harvard University. In response, naturally, she was like, “Well then I want to go to Harvard University!” Her family members laughed and then explained to her that not just anyone gets accepted and that it is one of the hardest schools to get into. Did that leave her discouraged? Nope, quite the contrary. Fast forward her life a decade later and she will be attending Harvard University this fall.

This also brings me back to the power of manifestation and what I call “planting the seed.” In this example, it is so evident that the seed had been planted in her mind as a child that she was going to go to Harvard University. She was too little to understand what that meant or the academic excellence that would be required of her to get into a school like that but it was a decision that was planted in the back of her mind and stayed there. I truly believe that her belief that she was worthy enough to go there along with her desire to go to Harvard University is what subconsciously and perhaps consciously had motivated her to put in the work that was needed to receive her acceptance letter into the school. This by no means is a sheer coincidence but exemplifies manifestation at work. Please take note here that when you “plant the seed,” the seed eventually grows as long as you water the seed or in this case, take the action that is needed to help the seed grow into a miraculous plant.

Mind you, in the article I shared above, I was reading about how fear almost crept in and she almost did not take the time to apply but that she had a teacher who pretty much said he would not supply her a teacher recommendation unless she followed through and still applied to Harvard as planned. Even though she had some moments of doubt, she had someone who told her to apply anyway which points out two other important lessons which are to always believe in yourself and to try no matter the outcome! There is an incredible amount of spiritual value and life lessons that can be taught from this wonderful story. Congratuations to Isabela Gonzalez for her success story and to an even brighter future ahead!

“I Always Get What I Want” – A Manifestation Mantra That Works and Here’s Why

When I think about what is stopping people from manifesting their desires, unfortunately, many people possess mental road blocks that get in the way or have a strong disbelief from the start that what they want can actually turn into a reality. People are also very much shaped by their past so if they have had any type of negative experience (ex: a failed marriage, getting fired from a job, etc.) then they might stay emotionally stuck in these moments which makes it incredibly difficult to actually move forward in life.

Despite anything you previously have experienced or any negativity that you might currently be holding on to, the good news is that life very well is always in a state of motion and best of all, you get to control the direction it goes in. So let’s apply a manifestation mantra that will reset your state of mind and guide you in the right direction: “I always get what I want.” I don’t know about you but I do not think it can get any more reassuring than that! By genuinely believing that you always get what you want, you actually are conveying to the Universe that you are deserving, fully capable, and ready to receive everything that your heart desires. On a subconscious level, you will also find that you will automatically do whatever it takes to make it happen while attracting infinite abundance in the areas of your life which you are looking to progress.

What happens when you don’t get something that you wanted? Do you lose hope? Do you then think to yourself, “The Universe failed me.” ABSOLUTELY NOT. Of course there are going to be instances in life where you aren’t presented with what you wanted or you are faced with rejection. That is all part of the journey and life will have its challenges along the way which might leave you feeling discouraged but my counter to this is: Something better is on the horizon. You need to remain focused that you are still in the process of receiving what you want and although it might be taking a very long time–trust me, it is on its way and will be worth it once it is received. It is important to not only trust the process but to be patient with the manifesting process. So please do not develop any doubts in your mind when you don’t receive something immediately, just remember to continue to repeat to yourself: I always get what I want and if it appears to be taking longer than expected, something much better is in the works–you have nothing to worry about! πŸ˜‰

5 Ways to Improve Your Manifestation Skills

I would have to say that the practice of manifestation is a life skill and having the ability to manifest the things that you desire most is not something you are necessarily taught in school which is why it is essential you teach yourself how to master manifestation. The good news is that anyone can develop the mindset to attract abundance and create everything you want in your lifetime. I want to make it clear that manifestation is NOT an instant gratification process. If you understand this simple principle then you are on the right path and will never be left feeling defeated or disappointed but instead, more motivated, invigorated, and determined. When one begins to lose hope, that is when the process tends to deteriorate. Weak minds are not meant to manifest great things as it takes a strong and positive mindset to do the internal work. So where do we begin?

Be Extremely Specific As to What You Want – People make very general statements as to what they want such as, “I want a big house, nice car, and lots of money.” These are all requests that are way too general. What exactly does a “big house” mean to you specifically? Such as: how many square feet, location, type of house, amount of land, interior style, etc. It is important to think on a more concrete level and to determine the exact details. Even if some of your requests seem very far fetched and out of reach right now, WHO CARES!?! Ask for it anyhow! As they say, “go big or go home” and shouldn’t we all opt to go BIG when it comes to our own life? Of course it is smart to be realistic but that does not mean that you need to limit yourself as to what you can get only right now–think about what you can obtain in your future.

Create Visuals – Although for some, this might be an optional step as you can visualize the outcome in your mind, I do think having a tangible visual (ex: vision board, visuals in a journal, etc.) is helpful because looking at a visual on a daily basis will allow for the visual to stay in the back of your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is very powerful in that it will not really accept anything that does not match up with what you are trying to manifest. You can print visuals from the internet, find images in magazines, and if you’re artistic and fully capable of making them yourself–then go for it (again, why not? as it is about whatever method works best for you).

* If you do not have actual images of what you are looking to manifest, I consider writing down concrete statements on an index card to be just as effective. It is still tangible where you can read it everyday so this works on its own OR in combination with the visuals.

Believe It Is 100% Possible – It is 100% critical to develop the belief that the outcome is 100% possible. I don’t care if the people around you think it’s impossible or if currently there are factors to hinder you from what you want right now because NOTHING SHOULD STOP YOU! You control your mind which gives you the power to control your destiny! Don’t give people that power and don’t let there be any room for doubt to create a mental road block of preventing you from achieving what is most certainly POSSIBLE and getting in the way of your full POTENTIAL.

Take Action – One can’t just ask for anything from the Universe and then sit back and do absolutely nothing about it. Manifestation is NOT about wanting something and then expecting it to fall onto your lap. That is what I call, “Pie in the sky.” I think that is what deters many people from this whole idea of having the ability to manifest because they have this false belief that it is like a genie in a bottle where you ask for a wish and it just happens. That is why I want to clarify that this is not how it works because asking without doing is going to leave you with a whole lot of nothing but false hope and unfilled desires. Once you make it crystal clear your intent and what you want, you need to actually put in the work to make it happen. It might take an incredible amount of small actions to get to the end goal but any action is better than no action.

Trust the Process – You are where you are meant to be at this present moment in your life. Everyday you are getting a step closer to turning your dreams into realities. Rather than asking, “Am I there yet?” or “Is this ever going to happen?” which insinuate a lack of trust and uncertainty, you need to TRUST THE PROCESS and believe that, “Yes, it is happening” and “I am doing whatever it takes to get what I want” because again, action is required to propel the results. Learn to enjoy the journey rather than question the process because everything you want is in the works! πŸ˜‰

Control Your Destiny By Making It Happen – One Day At a Time

I took a photo of this sign this morning created by a high school graduate.

This morning I attended a high school graduation ceremony where I found a ton of handmade signs displayed throughout the campus. While many focused on congratulating the Class of 2021, I could not help but notice a sign that read, “Stop waiting for things to happen, go out and make them happen.” I took a moment to snap a photo of it so I could post it onto my blog because it’s definitely both a powerful and motivating message.

I value that it is a rather straightforward statement and one that anyone can apply to one’s own life. People need to learn to create opportunities and attract positive life experiences by actually going out there and making them happen. If you just sit around and expect opportunities to knock on your door, then the people who actually are going out there to grab them are always going to be the ones who obtain the opportunity before you do.

Every action step you take is always better than no action at all. It is amazing that a collection of actions can add up and really create an impact over time. Never get discouraged by the process and the time it takes to get to the end goal because it is worth it in the long run. Everyone is capable of achieving great things but it is always up to the individual to determine the quality and the quantity. We all can create a bright and beautiful destiny–all it takes is taking the action necessary to make it happen which can be done by taking it one day at a time.

Ask For What You Want From the Universe (OR SOMETHING BETTER)

When I talk about how I am able to attract things that I want most in life and how I am spiritually connected to the Universe, people who are on the same spiritual wavelength “get it” whereas there are other people who hear this and probably think I am absolutely crazy (and I am okay with that). What works for me personally won’t work for everyone but I do happen to find that others who hold the same spiritual beliefs as I do also are on a great life track, attract abundance with ease, and are positive minded individuals who live life with fulfillment.

What is stopping most people from living the life that they want is that they are not specific in what they want. They might think about what they want from time to time which is a good start but it needs to be a laser focused thought that is specific along with a burning desire attached to it. There is a huge difference between, “It would be nice to lose a little weight” vs. “I want to lose 10 lbs and will do what it takes to reach my goal by changing my diet and working out a minimum of five days a week.” Saying anything “would be nice” is simply NOT nice enough when it comes to the manifestation process because it isn’t a firm enough statement backing up that you even want whatever it is that badly to begin with.

Besides asking for what I want which I do put the time to put into writing when it is something serious, I just got into the habit of adding to the end of the statement: Or something better. Right now, think about what you really want and try to be as detailed as you can be.

Ex: I want ________________ or something better.
(You fill in the blank of course).

The reason behind it is that I think of it like this, why put a limitation on what you are asking for? I can be very specific in what I want but I am always open to obtaining something even better than what I initially asked for. So the next time you are looking to manifest something, of course ask within reason but be sure to add “or something better” to the end of it because as we all know, ‘the sky’s the limit‘ so why can’t this apply to your life? πŸ˜‰

An Everyday Motto to Live By – “Fantastic and Only Improving”

I was watching the news the other day where I learned that Brooke Baldwin is leaving CNN in which I strolled onto her Instagram (I wanted to send her some well wishes) and found her wearing a sweatshirt that read, “Fantastic and Only Improving.” She explained that whenever she asked her security guard Ant Diggity how his day was, he would always respond with that exact phrase. I loved it so much that I just had to share it with my readers! πŸ™‚

What I like most about it is that it is declaring a firm positive state of mind of being fantastic (not just your typical, “good” or “okay” response). Then it is followed up by, only improving. This is really the key to living a fulfilling life full of abundance and leading to a path of growth, success, and happiness–which is by focusing on making self improvements and bettering yourself on a regular basis! No one is born perfect but at the very least, we can always strive for the very best things in life and make a commitment to be a better person each and every day.

So the next time someone asks you, “How are you doing?” Just look the person straight in the eye and reply with conviction, “Fantastic and only improving.” πŸ˜‰

[On a final note, I am snowed in today in NJ and was thinking about taking a nap; however, after writing this post, I am actually self motivated to do more productive things instead. It goes to show that you can stay motivated with the right mindset].

If You Are Not the Person You Want to Be – 5 Steps to Get You Closer

As we step into yet another new year, we often think this is the time to come up with some resolutions with the mindset that this is going to be our greatest year yet. The truth of the matter is, our lives are constantly a work in progress and essentially a masterpiece we are creating one stroke at a time, in other words each and every day. The beginning of a new year is a great time to refocus on what we are looking to achieve while for some it might be a good time to press the reset button and start something entirely new.

Another thought to consider is, who are you today and who is the person that you want to become? After digging deep and thinking about that, the next thought is to ask yourself, how do you become that person and what is it going to take to do so? In order to become the person you aspire to be, here are five things you can do to build yourself up:

Have a Vision – Everything starts with a vision. You need to start by proactively thinking about the life you want to live including the life experiences and lifestyle you want to acquire. It should excite you just thinking about the vision within your mind, the more vivid the better.

Write It Down – As much as it is important to create the thoughts in your mind, thinking and talking about anything is not the same as actually writing it down. That is why I advise taking the time to write down in a journal or an index card specifically who you want to be and taking it a step further by planning out ways you can achieve this.

Create Affirmations – If you have never taken the time to write affirmations about yourself, this is a great time to start. Affirmations are powerful because they are statements you are declaring about yourself. Even if you do not fully believe in what you are writing right now, it will sink in your mind over time if you repeat them in order to start believing them.

Improve Your Habits – In order to become a better person or get better at anything, focusing on your habits and improving them is key. I also recommend finding a way to track your progress as this holds you more accountable and you can see your growth over time.

Study the People You Admire – Is there someone in your life whom you greatly respect or perhaps a famous person whom you admire? This is a good opportunity to learn about them by taking some mental notes on how they live their lives and then applying what they do to better your own life while continuing to look up to them as a role model.

The Mind of an Artist – 3 Affirmations That Will Uplift Your Life

Many people often times underestimate the power of affirmations but I truly believe that they are effective in maintaining a positive state of mind while also keeping you happy on a deep spiritual level. As an artist, it comes natural for me to think of these affirmations but they can still apply to you no matter what you do for a living or pursue in life.

I create everything I desire. – For me personally, I rely on creating whether I am doing makeup professionally or even as I am writing this post. Aside from that, the bigger things in life, I know I have the capacity to also create those things because I truly believe everything I want in life will manifest through the state of creation.

I am my own work of art. – This can be interpreted in many ways. It means that on the inside, I am my own unique person with many gifts to offer to the world. From the outside, I look at my actual image and appearance as a work of art with the mindset that I am an object of desire.

My life is a masterpiece. – In order to live my life this way, it again all goes back to creation along with visualization. I visualize specific things that I want and take the action steps needed to create it. Everyone’s vision for one’s life is going to vary but taking the time visualize it is the first step followed by focusing on this vision and ‘painting it’ which will often require time and patience. No masterpiece is painted overnight and your life is created from each day and moment in time.

As a reminder, you do not have to be an artist to start applying these affirmations towards your life–remember that anyone can do it, it just starts with your mind first. πŸ˜‰