100 E-mail Followers (Thank You) – The Importance of Acknowledging the Small Milestones in Life

I do not remember the exact date but I happened to notice sometime last week that I have over 100 e-mail subscribers at the present moment. I just looked again now as I started to write this post and I have 107 to be exact (FYI, I only know two of these people in real life). This is a small milestone that I think is important to acknowledge because I realize there are thousands (perhaps millions) of other bloggers in this world and I am a small fish in a big sea of content. I started this blog less than a year ago during the height of the pandemic as it was a writing project that I always wanted to pursue and I knew it would manifest organically when the time was right in my life. Last spring I found myself like many others quarantined at home out of safety and it was this ample amount of isolation and solitude that provided me the mental space and spiritual energy to put towards the creation of this blog–something that adds meaning to my life and hopefully can add value to the lives of my readers as this has always been my ultimate goal.

[A huge thank you to everyone who is a loyal reader and to the ones who might have stumbled upon this at random and were able to get something out of it. I appreciate it beyond words as I do find a sense of purpose behind what I do and see this not only as a hobby but also as part of my life’s work to inspire, uplift, and help people through my words and inner thoughts].

I believe in the expression, “Rome was not built in a day.” While many find themselves chasing instant gratification, I always will appreciate the longer road to the final destination because I believe that hard work is often needed along with time, diligence, and patience. We need to find ways to value the journey and all the small milestones along the way because they surely do add up over time. Some things in life might come rather instantly while others are in the works and are in the manifestation process. It is for this reason that you should continue to persistently put in the hard work that is needed to achieve your goals while also remembering to trust the process. There is no need to rush as the right things will come along when the time is right. (So do not forget to appreciate the small things as they will often lead to bigger and better things in the future and sometimes when you least expect it). 😉

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